14 MAR 2024 | 6pm GMT

You know those words.

Dirty, nasty offensive words.

The ones I write with letters missing, asterisks and hyphens.

The ones that cause a cascade of sensation in your body,

Make you squirm

Your cheeks flush

Your mind panic & palms sweat.

Maybe turn on your naughty side, just a little. ;)

In public you’d do anything for people not to say thing *that* about you.

Chances are these words may have something to do with ‘getting freaky’, your body, it’s parts, or female desire.

Those words.

Why? Words are a powerful tool of social control, and the particular flavour of  words are rooted in fear of female power and s—ual autonomy.

When someone calls you a wh--re or sl--t they are attempting to dominate and control you by shaming your connection to your inner power.

Your personal connection to source.

I think it’s time we changed that, don’t you?

Join me for an intimate, powerful teaching and somatic journey in alchemising shame and internal domination.