1:1 JOURNEYS for Deeply Sexual, Wildly loving women.

I have a very particular set of skills –

You can’t out-slut me.

You can’t out-shame me.

Now, this is NOT a competition. You may have slept with more people than me, had more affairs, been cheated on more, or even had more people inside you than most thought humanly possible.

Wonderful. We’ll definitely have a giggle and share some notes.

What I mean is - you will never convince me slutty-ness, promiscuity, and a love of sex is shameful or makes you unlovable, not at all.

I’ve had some serious fun, made spectacular mistakes, destroyed friendships, played games, and risked more than one job all because a particular flavour of man used to turn on a hunger in my body so intense that it overrode my values, safety and my emotional/mental wellbeing on a regular basis.

It was a spicy cocktail of men in authority, that held an aura of unavailable dominance, in situations that involved being caught and high risk of humiliation.

(can you smell the drama?)

For a long time, anything less—especially if they were available and loving—just didn’t scratch the itch. It was either hit hook ups in dangerous situations with unavailable men.

Or love.

I chose the first.

It was my own unique manifestation of the virgin and the whore conditioning, I was firmly rooted in the belief that my experiences and preferences made me somehow unlovable.

Now, as an emotional adult, I take full responsibility for my actions and their consequences.

I’ve lost people, and I’ve made amends where I needed to.

I knew I had to choose something different—and something that would still feed my life force.

A seemingly impossible task that no amount of therapy seemed to have the answer for.

It was a journey I had to take myself on.

Over the last decade, and after a particularly soul destroying break up I committed.

I’ve made with plenty of mistakes, spun in circles & learned the hard way, and I sought out impeccable support.

I became fascinated by how our experiences and conditioning lead to these behaviours and, more importantly, our erotic preferences and kinks.

In particular—what gets us off, why this can be super destructive, and how to enjoy our deep, wild sensuality without the drama, and fall deeply in love.

It’s now a journey I adore holding women through, women who ask me,

“Do I have to give up the sloppy BJs?”

“I’ve never told anyone this before, I’ve been so scared of being judged.”

“I used to be kind of promiscuous, now it feels like everything has shut down.”

This experience has given me brilliant sight and a whole armoury of shortcuts and well-honed practices, which I will share with you in REBEL WOMAN.

So how do you choose sex and love, when what turns you on is rooted in unavailability?

When you’ve lived a past that society deems as bad, dirty or wrong - certainly not ‘wife material’.

When you thought it was your choice, but that choice has passed its expiry date on fun, and you’re craving a connection that extends beyond the biochemical highs and lows of intense chase and play?

How can you choose sex and love?

While every woman’s journey is unique, there are themes that we will cover:

Learn to feed your body in a whole new way. Shopping for food when your hungry leads to less than ideal choices, same with life force. These patterns and preferences are alive in your body, creating turn on, feeding you with vital energy—as does the drama/patterns that accompanies them.

You HAVE to be fed to make more aligned choices.

Explore your erotic flavours and kinks. Your entire erotic preferences, fantasies, and even hardcore kinks (if that’s your jam) are rooted in your imprint of what it means to a sexual woman, and by any incomplete emotional experiences from your past. Whether it’s a penchant for unavailable partners, threesomes, or a desire to be devoured by a Fae Warrior—moving these into conscious awareness lets you choose how to engage and play so they don’t slip out sideways, aka drama.

Address you jealousy and stalking addiction. One of the things that comes hand in hand the virgin and whore wound is the addiction to the people we can’t have. This might look like stalking your exes, comparing yourself to other partners, deep-diving their socials, always checking their dating profiles, having MI5 ‘research’ abilities (I see you). Bringing this into the light allows us to start shifting the more destructive/addictive behaviours

Shame Alchemy. This whole journey will alchemise shame, when you understand the mechanism of shame, and where your preferences and behaviours come from, compassion becomes the new standard. The more I fell in love with my bat-shit-crazy persona, my kinks, my ultra-weird self—the more the shame shifted into deep compassion and love. I want you to access the same.

Celebrate who you were, and let her go. Some parts of us need to be retired—or at least moved to the back seat instead of the driver’s. Celebrating and letting go is far more fun and effective than punishing yourself and slathering shame on top, which ONLY causes the same behaviour to fight back, spill out sideways, only louder.

Elevate your standards. “You don’t rise to your desires; you fall to your standards,” a very wise woman taught me recently. Setting up a new framework for you to play in, makes it much easier to saying no to what no longer serves you, no matter how much this turns you on.

Take ownership of your power. You are a powerful mother fucker, and the only way to wield this is to take full ownership of this, your choices and the outcomes they create.

Landing & Integration. Practice makes perfect. This is a deep and transformational journey, and we will leave plenty of time to practice, integrate and embody everything you uncover and learn.

Who’s this for?

This is for my women who love (or used too love) sex, but feel that their heart is disconnected, like they had to choose. aka:

My Sluts. Whores. Sex workers. Kinksters. Swingers. Players. DTF ladies.

The ‘girl-you-fuck-not-marry’

The Samantha’s.

The ones the ‘smug marrieds’ quiz for entertainment at dinner parties, and the ‘grown ups’ who have settled down ‘live vicariously’ through. 

My wanna-be lover girls, but opening your heart and letting your walls down feels terrifying.

Women who hold the belief that this was a choice—that they chose sex over love.

& my ‘former whores’ the women who settled down.

But used to be, you know a little promiscuous, and lost that part of themselves when they got wifey’d up.

You too.

Those who KNOW this split, this choice, is utter BS conditioning designed to keep us small and compliant.

Those who are done with the BS.

Who have had enough.

Who are deeply sexual, and ready for extraordinary love.

The Journey:

8 Months. 4 Spaces. We Start in March.

This is a deeply personal journey. I will hold you with a level of attention and compassion that will help your nervous system build a whole new relationship with your heart and sex, create personalised practices for you to feed your body and melt the protective armour around your heart.

You’ll receive:

  • Two deep-dive 1:1 calls with me each month – longer calls that include teaching, coaching, and personal embodiment journeys.

  • Weekday voice and text support – for accountability and integration.

  • Access to relevant group programmes, pre-recorded classes and practices.

A Personal Note

This has been the most powerful journey of my life—to live with my sex and love integrated, in my body & turned all the way on.

I was the one whoo called myself, “the girl you fuck, not marry.”

My heart still breaks for the version of me that felt so separate and undeserving of love.

I now live in the most phenomenal relationship with myself, and after 10 years of being single and obsessed over super dramatic situationships, my self love is reflected back to me in the most incredible relationship with my man.

I don’t say this to get you to replicate what I have, I say this to invite you into a creating your own unique version of connection and love for you.

My deepest desire is for all ‘former sluts’ and ‘reformed whores’ to access the kind of love that their deepest desires crave, without ever having to sacrifice or feel shame about their deeply sexual side.


If this is you, fill in your details below.

I will review your details and contact you to book a Zoom call to confirm this is the right journey for you, and answer any questions you have.