Do you want to feel sexy, alive and the best version of you, both in, and out of the bedroom?

Do you want to ooze confidence, and feel sensual and playful when talking about sex?

Are you ready to feel present and connected to your own body, so you can connect deeply with your partner?

Are you ready to own your sexual energy?

are you ready?

Maybe you’ve done the work, you’ve created the life, you’ve had the breakdowns, break throughs, done the therapy, yoga and you’re a spiritual badass… but something is missing.

Your soul knows there is a powerful sexual woman in there, and there is way more to sex that the odd orgasm… you’re craving more, but you have no idea where to start.

You may have even trawled the internet to find out how to spice things up, tried a jade egg practice, Tantric Massage, or even considered a Killing Kittens party.

But nothing has really clicked.

You want to feel like an uninhibited goddess but you get stuck in your head, worrying about your wobbly bits, or focusing solely on your partner’s pleasure and not yours.

You want to communicate your deepest desires but you freeze when he asks what you want, or are worried about offending him when you give directions.

The answer…       

Cultivating your own sexual energy first.

This is exactly what I teach in TOUCH

This is way more than… “another class”, more than… “a coaching program”.

This is your practice, your self-touch practice.

Welcome to your Practice

I started teaching self-touch online three years ago, with the intention of making the most transformative practices available, to as many women as possible.

I had no idea about the impact it would make.

Those who cultivated their practice, fell in love with their bodies for the first time in their lives. They became more orgasmic than ever, they reconnected with husbands after years of living like BFFs. They created new levels of confidence, set up new businesses, emigrated and even left shitty relationships.

All from sex-ed that taught them how their body really worked… eight self-touch practices that rebuilt their body’s relationship with sexual energy.

Holy fuck, I quickly realised self-touch isn’t (just) about feeling sexy, mastering your libido, exuding body confidence and oozing magnetism on date nights – although these are happy side effects.

It’s about connecting to something far deeper, about what it means to be a woman, about your personal truth, unpacking thousands of years of conditioning around what it means to be a sexual woman in today’s world.

It’s about standing in your power.

How it works

Weeks 1&2

You’ll access five modules filled with the sex-ed you wish you’d had….

You’ve been given the operating manual for a motorbike, when you’re driving a Lamborghini. Yes, your pussy is that powerful!

This is your new operating manual:

Class One: The Anatomy of Arousal

Did you know… we put a man on the moon before we understood the anatomy of a clitoris… ridiculous right?

Missing out your clit in school sex-ed, has had a huge psychological impact. In this class you will learn all about what’s really going on between your legs, and realise your body is built to create sexual energy.

Class Two: The Big 'O'

The obsession you have with getting there, and what flavour orgasms are better, actually block your ability to orgasm. In this class you’ll learn everything you need to know about the female flavoured variety of orgasms and how to make your body more orgasmic than ever before.

Class Three: Desire, Libido & Cake 

Everything you thought you knew about your libido is probably BS! Here, we will demystify the female libido and you’ll be surprised by how easily you can hit your accelerator when you know what to do.

Class Four: Biological & Spiritual Sexual Energy

Energy isn’t just for Tantric experts, it’s literally the electric current that runs through your central nervous system, and it’s crucial for your health and well-being.

This life changing education will help remove guilt over prioritising your pleasure and let go of the feeling that sex is somehow dirty and wrong.

Class Five: Cultivate Your Practice

In this final class you’ll learn the difference between masturbation and practice. How to create the space and the integration tools you need to embody this work.

Week 3-9

From here, I’ll guide you through eight self-touch practices that are specifically designed to turn on your entire body. With techniques that ensure these transformations are integrated into your body and your life. 

When you know how your body really works and that sexual energy is key to your libido, orgasms, confidence, embodiment, and communicating this in a way that turns you and your partner on. 

Understanding this feels like unlocking the missing piece in your life.  

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TOUCH includes:

Nine powerful weeks

Immediate access to five sex-ed classes

Eight self-touch practices

Online portal filled with recordings, programme handouts and support resources

Live Q&A Calls each week during the programme

Access to our private Facebook group for the 9-week program⁠

Working with me one a personal level starts at £4,500, and I am only opening ten places up at this level, on a first come first served basis.

So book now, as this will not be available at this price again.

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I’ve supported 1000s of women, including myself, in completely changing their lives by embracing their SEXUAL ENERGY.

Here’s what some of them have said...


“I felt low on self-confidence, awful body image and feeling of disconnect from my bodY.

I have learned to find pleasure in everything I do throughout the day, which increased the value I had for myself and how to slow down and live more in the moment.

Working with Caroline I have been on an epic journey of self-discovery, I now feel that I matter. That I'm important and have worth.

I feel unstoppable. Like I can tackle any challenge that comes my way.”


“For the first time in years, I didn’t panic when my husband tried it on. Usually I will make an excuse or say no just because I panic! Instead I started to use some of the techniques we learned, focus and breathe into it and it resulted in much more enjoyment on my part as I'm usually wishing it to be over and done with!!”


“Caroline has taken a lost, confused, self-loathing woman, held her hand, and helped her step into who she really is, who she’s always been, but not known how to find herself.

I have moved from not being able to look at myself in the mirror, from being ashamed of my body because of long ago bullying, to not being able to keep my hands off myself!

I feel I have stepped out of the cave I have been living in for so long and am finally walking in sunshine. I feel strong, confident, sexy, successful, gorgeous, but most of all, I feel connected to my body; that we are whole.”


“I've felt the subject of sex, relationships, sexuality just a really difficult subject to talk about. For so many years, I ignored it, felt paralysed by it, not confident and just brushing it off as not important. I also started to think that there might be something wrong with me.

I’ve now learned that sexual energy is super f*cking powerful beyond measure and that there is an actual science and beauty behind our sexual desires and that it's not just what society says about it.

I love hanging out with other like-minded women in the group. It actually brought out my feminine flow more, and my confidence to actually talk about this subject.”


“We are never alone with these things, even when we think we are! I find it so liberating that I'm not alone, we need more women’s groups like this for this very reason!”


The reason is clear and simple, if you are not cultivating your own sexual energy, you’re pulling it from somewhere, or somebody, else.

However, this is what most of us do… myself included.

You’ve been taught that being sexual makes you a slut, masturbation is dirty and disgusting and you’ll only feel complete when he’s put a ring on it. Sexual energy depletion is the norm.

It looks like…

WHEN DATING, the underlying feeling is ‘hoping to be chosen by a good enough man’, which leads to shitty matches, rubbish dates and app burn out.

Or even worse… when you feel like you really connect and they friend zone you, or ghost you, after the hook up you weren’t really sure about.

AT THE START OF A SUPER-HOT RELATIONSHIP, when the ‘can’t get enough of each other, constantly on the edge of an orgasm when you see them’ feeling fades away.  This is because you are only ‘taking’ from each other, eventually one of you will become depleted and that’s when the spark dies.

From here, couples so often fall into drama patterns to try and pull their energy out again, they become flatmates or BFFs, leading to…

LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS, connecting to your sexual energy is key to reigniting everything… from a long-lost libido, to attraction to your hubby. Even if you’ve been avoiding sex for years, and he’s fully embraced the Dad bod.

Leading with a grounded connection to your body and your energy, changes these dynamics completely.

Sexual energy is way more than an orgasm, or three.

It’s your creative energy, your mojo, your libido that fuels your entire life.

Without it you feel stuck on a hamster wheel doing everything you ‘should’, but still feel disconnected.

Oh yeah, and it fuels more, and better orgasms, magnetic levels of attraction, reignites long libidos and creates a relationship with your body that goes far beyond the ‘How to Feel Confident Naked’ articles landing in your inbox. 

Not bad, eh?

Cultivation of this energy is a practice.

I’m here to teach you how to cultivate your own practice.


  • LOVE sex, or want to love sex. Yet feel isolated and bored, and don’t know how to get your mojo back.

  • Feel like you’re doing all the right things (working out, eating well, personal development) and still feel like crap.

  • Feel overwhelmed and want to learn how to switch off and be able to get in the mood when you like.

  • Feel insecure about your body or you’re worried about what you look like between your legs and want to feel more confident.

  • Have been told by a medical practitioner that your pain and discomfort during sex is psychological.

  • Are single and ready to mingle, but often find yourself in app burnout, or as the fuck buddy or friend zoned.

  • Are coupled up and have lost that ‘something, something’, your libido is flat as a fart.

  • KNOW sex is way more than just P+V penetration. It’s the most powerful way to connect to yourself. Yet solo sex is more of a means to an end (chasing an orgasm or ten), and you would love to feel more connected and present.

  • Have wanted work with me at a 121 level, but it’s not been the right time for the financial commitment.

Skip this one if…

  • You don’t think sex is actually that important.

  • You’re waiting for Mr Right to be responsible for knowing all about how your body works.

  • You don’t want to touch your pussy.

STILL NOT SURE? Drop me an email and I’ll answer your questions personally.

Caroline. x

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As an all-girls Catholic convent school girl turned Sex Educator and Women’s Coach, I have been laughed at, shamed and judged for my sexual energy.

I am one confident, badass woman sexologist, who has incredible, deeply connective relationships, and I’m on a mission to help women like you do the same.


But it’s not always been like this…

10 years ago, despite being super successful on paper; awesome corporate career, beautiful flat, holidays to New York and Ibiza, and a sexy BMW.


Behind closed doors, I was disgusted by how my body looked and I’d had such bad experiences with men. My walls were so high - I had not told anyone I loved them for over ten years, so much so, that an ex called me clinical. I was surrounded by incredible friends, but I was lonely.

Everything I knew about sex, I had learned from porn, and my version of good sex meant I was the best a guy had ever had.

This program transfers years of sex geekery, obsessive study, self-development, fuck-ups, break-ups, play experiences, working with award winning sex educators, mindset, life and health coaches and teaching hundreds of women to transform their whole lives from a place of disconnect, to knowing and loving their authentic, confident sexual selves.

All combined into 9 weeks of incredible content, lessons and practices that rewire your brain and subconscious, so that this next level you, doesn’t just drift off into the horizon when the programme finishes.

This is the most important work you will do for your life, your love life, and yourself.

Because, at the end of the day, confidence and deep meaningful connection can only happen when you are deeply connected to yourself.

As one of my hero's, Psalm Isadora, said:

“You can’t be a powerful woman if you’re afraid of your pussy.”

What are you waiting for?

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