7 Ways To Create And Maintain Hot Af Attraction And Desire… Even In Lockdown
7+3 = 5+5 = 1+9
All equal, all different.
The most powerful ways to create and maintain attraction and desire between two people, is to create an exchange of energy. One gives, the other receives.
If the energy balance is the same, there’s no movement, there’s no flow.
You stagnate.
In marriages this leads to libidos disappearing off into the sunset, living with your BFF and relying on your Lelo for orgasms.
In dating this leads to ghosting and friend zoning.
This flow is created between masculine charge and feminine charge.
Masculine is thinking, integrity, leading, focused, protection, get shit done.
Feminine is feeling, flow, allowing, receptive, empathetic, creative.
We ALL NEED both charges, but in a romantical situation too much of the same charge will repel each other.
This isn’t about what flavour bits are between your legs, although people with more estrogen are likely to be more comfortable in feminine energy, and those with more testosterone tend to be more masculine.
If you’re a feminine energy person, you’ll be attracted to a masculine person who you respect for their strength, integrity, for getting shit done and for how they take care of you.
If you mother them, loose respect for them, or don’t need them anymore (aka strong, independent women), your desire for them will bugger off at exactly the same time.
Appreciate, appreciate and appreciate some more.
What you stop appreciating… will stop. From getting picked up at the station, to the morning coffee. In lock down, that’ll mean giving attention to the little things.
Decide on your roles.
They have theirs and you have yours, e.g. in the outside world he might always pick you up or choose the restaurant. In lockdown, it may be taking the bins out or ordering the takeout etc...
Ask for their help.
From opening jam jars, to advice on how to deal with a work situation, but only if you’re going to take the advice. Masculine energy is dialled up when it’s needed
Tell them what turns you on.
Doors being opened, telling the truth etc…, even when it’s uncomfortable… when they wear ‘that’ shirt, the hand on the back of your neck. They want to turn you on, tell ‘em what works for you.
Watch them work.
Seeing your man in their genius flow is hot. I love having a perve at them, when they’re dealing with their team, like a boss!
Create a little distance.
You can’t want something that’s you already have.. If you’re living together create date nights and separate time. If you’re on your own, make sure you’re spending Zoom time with the girls too.
Never, ever mother them.
It may seem caring but it’s activating their man child. Not Hot!
If you feel stuck in a rut and disconnected from your powerful, feminine energy and are ready to feel sexy, alive and the best version of yourself, in and out of the bedroom, book a consultation to find out how I can help.
CD. x