How You Do Sex, Is How You Do Life
S*x oozes in the air here in Bali, my home away from home.
It’s in the heat,
The vibes,
The biteable bare skin,
The delicious food,
and, of course, the orgasmic coffee.
Yet, I look around me, so many people aren’t oozing this magnificent energy;
Instead they obsess on IG perfection, pictures of their bodies, their food, their business, who they are dating.
Superficial layers that block TURN ON.
The energy you exude, how you feel, is written all over you…
And it’s echoed in your bedroom antics.
When you focus on getting there… the perfect body, the perfect relationship, the perfect home, the perfect job…
This shows up as a struggle orgasm, getting stuck in your head, worrying what you look like, smell like, taste like, if you’re too wet, too dry…
If you can’t get there, you worry you should fake it, so you don’t hurt his feelings…
Say after me…
As spiritual junkie Gabby Bernstein teaches… It’s how you FEEL, that magnetises your dreams into reality, or of course something better.
Fuck all to do with how you look.
Fuck all to do with how much money you earn.
Fuck all to do with the man of your dreams.
Fuck all to do with the number of orgasms he ‘gives’ you.
(ahem, you KNOW by now, he doesn’t *make* you come, he can help your raise YOUR orgasmic energy)
How you FEEL, attracts more of that FEELING
…when you feel IT inside, YOU LOOK BETTER
…when you feel IT inside, YOU RECEIVE MORE MONEY
…when you feel IT inside, YOU HAVE THE BEST ORGAMS, with or without him!
The ‘IT’ is your orgasmic energy, your TURN ON.
This is a massive part of my own journey and continues daily.
When I’m afraid of LOVE, or worry about being used for sex, I block my TURN ON.
This fear reflects in my business, my income and the quality of men that I allow in my life.
When I’m afraid of not being chosen, it means I am not choosing myself and people don’t choose me back.
It’s horrifically, beautifully simple.
Everything you have been taught about your sexuality is disempowering;
You’re a slut if you love sex and a prude if you don’t.
Female pleasure is, at best secondary, at worse something dirty, disgusting and wrong.
I teach women that feeling sexy AF, TURNED ON by life and having ALLLLLL the orgasms, is where core level confidence and recognising your SELF WORTH comes from.
From this place the love life, relationship, money and the body follow effortlessly.
Feeling TURNED ON is always within you, it’s the BS you’ve been taught that blocks it.
Unblocking your TURN ON starts with EMPOWERING yourself with the education you wish you’d had.
Are you ready to…
Relax, let go and stay focussed on your pleasure?
Stop feeling guilty and prioritise yourself?
Live an orgasmic, turned on life?
Schedule a call and let’s chat about how I can help.