Sexy Up Your Self Worth
You know how important self-worth is. You know logically you are worthy. But feeling it, embodying it, where the fuck do you start?
Low self-worth means you put up with shitty situations, you don’t look after your body/your health, you spend time and energy with people you can’t be yourself with.
You have to hold back, to avoid the eye rolls…
To fit in.
To not be ‘too much’
To be liked… LOVED.
You may even plough all your energy into your career, because that’s a socially acceptable way to build worth, but it avoids the big questions;
Are you worthy of love?
Are you worthy of epic sex?
Are you worthy of feeling desire and feeling sexy AF, every damn day?
These can feel very big, scary and you may no idea where to start.
The FABULOUS news…
You don’t have to jack in your job, move to Thailand or Bali, or go on a 21 day silent retreat to ‘find yourself’. (you can of course, def come say hi if you do)
Travelling, retreats and even workshops, give you the space to reflect and the permission to behave in a different way because you’re not around the usual people you are trying to fit in with. But so often these changes disappear when you get back home.
Pay attention each day… notice how YOU are behaving, what YOU do.
Notice how people behave towards YOU.
Dirty secret time - I’m a bit of a numbers geek… I used to love maths! Numbers make sense to me, my badass accountant knows how much I get turned on by spreadsheets.
I also love simplicity, so let’s take the overwhelm out of your self-worth:
List out everything you have done today. Now score how much it turned you on out of 10.
Was your last meal a 10/10, or more a 7?
Is what you’re wearing a 10?
Is the yoga a 10 today, or Spin class, or nap?
Or are your days filled with ‘shoulds’ and ‘needs’?
These scores are a direct score of your self-worth. The more 10s, the more you value yourself. Numbers and simplicity.
The BS you’ve been taught, is that you’ll feel good enough WHEN… you have the relationship, money, body – but this leads to a never-ending chase.
The truth is, the more actions you take in line with you, the more worthy you feel.
Take ONE ACTION that is a straight 10 out of 10 for your soul, NOW!
Then repeat.
There’s no short cut. Self-worth won’t come from other people liking you.
It goes against everything you’ve been taught, about being ‘likeable’ and ‘nice’.
It will feel awkward, clunky and damn right painful at times. BUT… the result is feeling good enough, feeling worthy. That illusive #SELFLOVE.
It really is that fucking simple!
Does this resonate HARD, but your brain is already filled with all the reasons why you can’t possibly do that?
These seemingly perfectly valid, logical reasons, NOT to do what you love, hold all the information you need to create a life you love.
I’m gonna show you how to LOVE these thoughts and use them to your advantage. All in an EPIC FREE training, coming at you next week…
How to use your love life, however disastrous, to increase your self-worth, have epic sex and even better relationships.