You Can Spot A Dry Vagina A Mile Off
Ladies. Real talk time.
You can spot a dry vag a f*cking mile off.
I’m not talking about genital non-concordance, where 90% of women will experience subjective (mental) and physical arousal (they get wet), at different times.
A.K.A. How wet you are, has jack shit to do with how turned on you actually are. This is why we have LUBE and being wet, does not mean she wanted it.
**eye roll**
That’s sex-ed 101; understanding how your body actually works.
What I’m talking about today, is the women who aren’t turned on by their life.
Who feel disconnected to their bodies, their partners, their desires and their mother fucking SOUL.
It’s a metaphorical dry vagina.
No LUST for your life.
It’s written all over you.
You can see it in the way you move your body.
You can hear it in the weakness in your voice.
You can see it in the dry, frailty of your skin.
You can see in the attack and criticism of other women.
You can see it in the emasculation of your partner, thinly veiled panic that they’ll leave you, or that they’re fucking their PA.
You can see it in the flat nothingness behind your eyes.
You can see it in desperation for perfection, the belief that the perfect body, being the perfect wife/mother, will somehow protect you from rejection.
It’s fucking BS and it’s ruining your life.
Maybe not in a cataclysmic way but in that slow feeling of fading away, of waking up on the same old hamster wheel of life.
Nothing actually wrong… just flat, disconnected.
It’s not your fault, our culture teaches you to be like this.
Your biology lesson taught you, that sex is when a man ejaculates into a vagina.
Translation; a man’s ‘Big O’ is crucial, the goal, the whole point, yet women’s pleasure isn’t even mentioned.
Translation; at best your pleasure isn’t important, or, because of our brain's negative bias, female pleasure is something to be ashamed of.
You know, dirty, bad, disgusting, kinda wrong.
You’ve been taught to be a good person you put everyone else needs first.
It’s not your FAULT.
But it is your RESPONSIBILITY to end this.
You just have to learn:
Learn how your body actually works, sex-ed like genital non-concordance, how desire and attraction really works
Learn to own your fucking body, your pleasure and your power.
Learn how to rewrite the BS stories around what pleasure means, what it means to be a woman, A POWERFUL, SEXY, FEMININE WOMAN.
Learn to listen to your intuition.
Learn to fucking surrender, to the infinite capacity of pleasure that EMPOWERS you, to show the fuck up for your life, your loved ones, your business.
Let your LIBIDO for your LIFE, be the magnet for all of your desires.
This energy is in you now.
This power is your birthright.
You’ve just got to CHOOSE what kinda life YOU want.
I help women (whose s*x life seems to have disappeared), reconnect with their bodies, feel sexy, alive and step into the best version of themselves, both in and out of the bedroom.
And I do it exceptionally well.
Media messages, the BS cultural scripts, tell you that a low libido is to be expected. It’s important as a wife and mother, to put everyone’s needs before your own and well… sex isn’t really that important.
But with divorce, infidelity and antidepressants, being the new norm for women in their 30s and 40s…
Hasn’t there got to be a different way?
Are you someone who used to love sex but now feels disconnected from their body?
Do you struggle to stay present but CRAVE feeling sexy, wanted and like your own woman again?
Have the kids grown up a little, yet you don’t know where to start to get that spark back?
Now, I only work with women who are fun, inspiring and have made a firm decision to step into the sexiest, most confident version of themselves but just don’t know how to yet.
If you used to have a great sex life, but now struggle staying present, always planning and thinking ahead, or waiting for the perfect moment.
You’ve always wanted your partner to be pleased and not really worried about yourself but found your desire and libido fading over time.
I’m here to help you create a fulfilling, deeply connected life in and out of the bedroom.
Schedule a call and let’s talk.