How To Avoid The Propaganda That Is Killing Your Sex Drive
You’ve been duped, lied to, manipulated…
You believe femininity is a weakness.
BUT you’re a goddam feminist, fighting the good fight, learning that feminine energy is POWERFUL.
But underneath it all there’s a voice that whispers, don’t be feminine…
It’s weak,
You’ll get hurt, stay safe,
Be strong.
The walls go up that little bit further.
You relax a little, you feel safe
and lonely.
I’m gonna tell you why.
The 1960’s narrative of the benzo’d up, docile housewife makes you want to rebel, reject femininity because this means weakness.
You fight for equality
The EQUALITY that has been on the table, is equal to the current CULTURAL perception of MASCULINITY.
Material success, competitiveness, dominance, control.
Never showing weakness, vulnerability or emotion.
And boy have you stepped up; you’ve got this shit nailed.
You run your business, the house, kids, your body, and you make dollar.
You’re strong, independent and don’t need no man.
It’s the best propaganda tactic I’ve ever seen.
Hitler would have been fucking proud.
This flavour of equality, cuts you off from your most powerful energy.
Your POWERFUL, feminine sexual energy.
This is your potency, your ability to create anything. Your ability to deeply connect, to love, it’s your confidence and self-worth.
It’s thinly veiled suppression.
It drains you and you feel numb and disconnected.
You crave love and affection, you want to be cared for, cherished looked after.
But feel kinda guilty, like it makes you a bad feminist if you even admit to this, but…
You literally NEED to feel connected to other humans, or your body feels unsafe, you get stuck in fight flight and can never relax.
The most powerful, energising, utterly enjoyable, amazing for your health, way to connect…
The delicious flow of TURN ON, energy, attraction, desire and LOVE.
You won’t get this level of connection without connecting to yourself first.
You won’t get this level of connection without polarity.
You won’t get this level of connection without understanding your feminine energy.
You won’t be able to drop into your feminine, without self-love and self-care.
BUT THAT’S SELFISH – the propaganda screamed.
It’s up to you to decide what you want to believe.
Want Help?
I help powerful women who feel stuck in their masculine, to reconnect with their bodies, feel sexy, alive and the best version of themselves, both in and out of the bedroom.
And I do it exceptionally well.
Are you someone who used to love sex, but now feels disconnected from their body?
Do you struggle to stay present but CRAVE feeling sexy, wanted, like YOU again?
Have the kids grown up a little, yet you don’t know where to start to get that spark back?
Now, I only work with women who are fun, inspiring and have made a firm decision to step into the sexiest, most confident version of themselves but just don’t know how to yet.
Curious? Schedule a call and let’s talk about how I can help.
Big, sexy AF love.
CD. x