Your Body Loves You, Love It Back
Self-isolation to me, means one thing… SELF PLEASURE.
What is your first thought when you think of self pleasure?
Masturbation, or (my personal fave) a Ménage à moi??
Is it top of your priorities, awesome fun when you have time?
A bit icky?
The thought doesn’t cross your mind?
Are there better things to be getting on with, or do you feel a guilty, like it’s cheating on your partner…?
My Answer:
My favourite vibe is permanently plugged in by the bed. I use it for everything from a quick pick me up, to a full on sex magic manifestation sesh.
A few years ago it was something that was for when I didn’t have a partner, like a poor substitute for ‘real’ sex.
Now, I know this might seem trivial but in a moment where ‘self-isolation’ is uttered more often in the UK than ‘stick the kettle on’, anxiety is at an all-time high and there are some real benefits to physical self-love.
De-stress, reduces anxiety.
Paying attention to the pleasure in your body, as a mindful practice, that’s more fun than meditating.
Feeling more pleasure, produces nitric oxide, which is (very long story, very short), your body’s own natural antidepressant.
Orgasmic sexual energy, aka life force/chi/source, energetically supports you through difficult times.
The more orgasmic energy you experience, the easier it becomes, the more orgasmic you become.
Sex toys rock!
That’s all for today.